100% recyclable, using only raw materials from sustainable plantations.

The Cup Factory is a company deeply committed to sustainability and we put a strong focus on delivering environmentally friendly products of the highest quality, ensuring your food and drink packaging solutions won’t be costing the earth.

We are dedicated to using only socially responsible and sustainable sourced raw materials from managed plantations, therefore helping establish a sustainable resource flow and protecting our natural resources. These responsible forestry plantations are farmed in a sustainable manner that is friendly to both the local community, and the environment. We print using soy and water-based inks for a more environmentally-friendly alternative to solvent-based inks.

At The Cup Factory, we follow responsible manufacturing practices and regularly assess and refine our work with modern, innovative methods to ensure our processing and manufacturing is sustainable and meets, or exceeds industry standards. Our products are produced in a food packaging grade environment and we have major international accreditations in place such as HACCP, ISO, and FSS, so you can rest easy knowing we achieve the highest quality in standards.


Can paper cups be recycled?

There have been some conflicting messages in regards to whether or not paper cups can be recycled. According to a recent study done by the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO), ethically produced takeaway paper coffee cups can, in fact, be recycled, provided that correct collection procedures are followed.

All of The Cup Factory products can be recycled once food residue has been removed. By recycling paper, the environmental impact of using virgin material can be drastically reduced, resulting in more renewable and sustainable resources. Recycling paper also lowers the volume of rubbish going to tips and reduces the number of greenhouse gases emitted, as the amount of electricity needed for production is lower.

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We provide customers with the option of biodegradable and compostable packaging, which uses a PLA lining in the manufacturing process. This lining is made from plants, and along with the rest of the cup, will break down much quicker than normal plastics, if treated at a commercial composting facility or placed in a home compost bin under the right environment. Using biodegradable and compostable packaging is beneficial for the environment and is a great way to show customers your business supports environmental sustainability.

Although all our products can either be recycled or composted, unfortunately, not all councils in Australia have the infrastructure set up to take full advantage of products like ours. Australia needs more co-mingled and mixed paper bin solutions right now, and fortunately, things are changing. More councils across Australia are investing in infrastructure and some local areas accept compostable products in organic waste collection bins. Please contact your local council to find out if your council has the proper recycling/commercial composting facilities available.